On March 15, 2023, at the 81st international conference of the University of Latvia, the subsection “”Research and protection of Latvian water environment” was held in cooperation with the LIFE GoodWater IP project. This is one of the oldest sctions of the conference and for almosr 20 years it has been presenting the latest results in the study of surface, marine and costal waters as well as ichthyology.
LIFE GoodWater IP project experts presents both the assessment of ecosystem services of inland waters, the dynamics of zooplankton biomass and changes in the structure of phytoplankton communitie of the Lake Sauka as well as the results of the targeted water quality monitoring for the assessment of the impact of agricultural activities and other studies.
The subsection also presented research on macroalgae as a possible solution to the problem of eutrophication of the Baltic Sea, results of the research on the dynamics of microplastic pollution in the costal sands of the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Riga as well as reported on the results of the success of the measures to improve the condition of the river lamprey population, and other.
Please find the conference materials awailabe to us here (in Latviana)