Thematic Group Leader Kristīna Veidemane, Baltic Environmental Forum

Up-to-date knowledge and awareness on processes and human impacts on aquatic ecosystems, as well as appropriate skills and competencies in environmentally friendly water management, are essential prerequisites to ensure better and more sustainable water management.

Project activity C14 will create a common online platform on water resources and their management (knowledge hub), which will enable project partners to share knowledge and provide opportunities for project target groups to improve their qualifications and skills. Capacity building thematic training courses, lectures and seminars will be systematically structured according to the needs of the project’s target groups – forestry, agriculture, fisheries and wastewater management sectors.

The creation of the new knowledge platform will also provide opportunity for general public to increase their literacy and know-how about the direct and indirect effects of human activities on river and lake water resources. Along with other project activities, the project plans  to organise stakeholder consultations and to involve various audiences in discussions, events and different working groups to raise awareness of the importance of water resources in everyone’s lives and to promote better governance and management of these resources.