The Latvian Nature Fund (Latvijas Dabas fonds) in the project LIFE GoodWater IP is creating a traveling large format exhibition about the largest lake in Latvia – Lake Lubāns. The exhibition is planned for the fall of this year.
The main character of the exhibition “Water – nature’s blood circulation! Lubāns: where nature and man meet” is the Lake Lubāns with its own story.

The story is about its origin, persistent taming over several generations, the plants, fish and birds living in it. The historical and most beautiful photos of the lake will be shown. The viewer will be informed about the quality of the lake’s water in an engaging way. QR codes with links to video and audio files will make the exhibition dynamic and alive.
The exhibition “Lubāns: where nature and man meet” is the first part of the large-format traveling exhibition “Water – nature’s blood circulation” followed by exhibitions about Lake Pape as well as the ehibitions on rivers Auce and Aģe.
Since the 19th century, people have tried to rule and conquer Lubana by draining and building dams. Luban’s shores are covered by 36 km long dams, and it is the largest dammed lake in Europe. The lake is part of the “Lubāna mitrajs” nature reserve, which is included in the Natura 2000 network of protected areas of the European Union and designated as a wetland of international importance according to the criteria of the Ramsar Convention.
Photos: Aleksandrs Lebeds