The LIFE GOODWATER IP is currently preparing to launch small grants programme for initiative groups willing to improve the condition of local water bodies.

One of the preconditions for a successful project activity is close cooperation between the local residents of the water catchment area – entrepreneurs, farmers, municipal employees and residents. In the course of the LIFE GOODWATER IP project, we want to strengthen this cooperation by providing targeted financial support to communities that are ready to address water pollution in their municipality with low-cost initiatives and measures. Joint activities are more valued and recognized as important, and they are more sustainable than activities carried out only by the municipality or the government.

The grant scheme is expected to strengthen operations and support for local infrastructure and / or facilities in public and endangered waters. When the situation in the country allows, we will call on local stakeholders to jointly develop a vision for the improvement of polluted water bodies that is acceptable to all. During the LIFE Goodwater IP, we are expected to support eight initiatives, helping to evaluate the most appropriate solutions and financially supporting their implementation. The maximum amount of the grant available will be up to 10,000 euros per activity and the estimated support intensity is 90-100 percent of the total cost of the activity. If you are interested in receiving information first, follow the information on the LIFE Goodwater IP website or apply for information by sending an email to

Anita Dzelme SIA Latvian Rural Consultation and Education Center